Smoky Mountain Colors

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Time Change & Other Stuff

For those of us who get to "enjoy" the time change this morning, I hope that you adjust better to it than I do. Though the Spring change is easier on me and the schedule I keep than in the Fall. Oh well on to the other stuff.

Last night I spent a hour or so visiting other knitting blogs. I had a great time. Made myself a cocktail, and sat down and did what I have been meaning to do for a long time. I knew there were some great blogs out there and I found some of them. This week I hope to join in on some of the other web rings out there too. A couple that I found that I really liked, (one not having anything to do with knitting) is the Redhead web ring and a sock knitting web ring. There are also some fantastic goth knitting blogs out there that are fantastic. In fact I got so many ideas about next knitting projects that I had to start writing them down. Creativity is alive and flowing freely and it's a beautiful thing. Seeing something take form that just started out as a thought is amazing.

So watch under the side bar for some new links to different rings. I hope to list some great places for you to go really soon.

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