Smoky Mountain Colors

Monday, January 09, 2012

Mini Mochi Fair Isle Hat Without the Mini Mochi.

Do you love knitting Fair Isle? I do. If you haven't tried it, you should, and if you are afraid of it, then face it head on and take a class, because I think you would just love the pattern that I am doing. It called Mini Mochi Fair Isle Hat. You can find the pattern by following the link or you can check it out on Ravelry.

What got me interested in this pattern is that I want to use it to teach a class. It only takes 2 colors. Yup, that makes it perfect for beginning Fair Isle. Then add the beautiful color whats that Mini Mochi comes in you just can't beat it. Your hat will look the super advanced knitting when you are finished. :-) So what I decided to do was get into my stash and make one of the hats just to get the feel of the pattern before I taught it. In doing this I'm getting a great hat but I've all ready learned a few things that I'd like to share.

  1. To make this pattern go faster, it would help if you could have your yarn in both hands. Yes, I'm suggesting that you Continental with the left and "throw" with the right, one stitch right after another. So are you wondering if you are a Thrower, how on earth can I wrap the yarn around the needle, I have such a big movement when I wrap. Well, there are ways around that. Now I could get into it, but I think that would be better info for another blog post. Right now I want to encourage you to look into taking on Fair Isle
  2. Don't look at the whole pattern or finished hat photo and freak yourself out. Just like every pattern, this pattern is done one stitch at a time, one row at a time. Allow yourself the same grace as you did when you first started knitting. Mistakes are awesome that means you are trying. Trying leads to learning, and learning means you are practicing and practicing leads to it becoming second nature. (Insert Yoda and Star Wars music here)
  3. Not all hat patterns call for a size 2 needle. This one does. So if you are not use to using a needle that small. Practice on a size that is between what you are use to and the US2. Example, you find that you knit on size US7's all the time, well, get some waste yarn, grab a pair of 4's and cast on about 20 stitches and knit until you are comfortable. Hopefully when you pick up the 2's you will be able to adjust to those very easy.
So I've just started this hat, and it's so far one of my favorite fair isle projects. As I go through it, I will share more little findings a long the way.

Be blessed

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